Thursday 19 March 2015

Mixture of Illness and Revision

Hey Guys
So as you have most likely realised, I didn't post last week, or on time this week. This is because alot has happened in the past two weeks.
First of all, I got ill, and not the illnesses like the common cold... I got really really ill. On Tuesday of this week I went to my local GP to find out what it was, and it seems like I have a build up of acid in the stomach....that can be caused by stress. I've been given tablets and have to go back to school, since I'm having too much time off, so I just have to cope with it until it goes away.
I seem to be getting stressed at the smallest of things recently, mostly to do with school. I'm coming up to my GCSE's really soon, and I guess the revision has been so brutal that I have been physically making myself ill. I have to stick to it though, or I won't get the grades I need to go to college. I just am sick of being sick all the time though, because I am, I believe that there's something wrong with my immune system, although other people tell me otherwise. Also, if you're wondering about PAST, It has been currently put on hold, since being ill, and revision has taken up most of my time. Hopefully I feel better soon.
Thanks for reading.

Thursday 5 March 2015

The Revision Deepens

Hey guys!
So this week has been very busy. (That's why I missed the blog post day yesterday, sorry!)
I have started to properly revise for my GCSE exams which are coming up really soon.
At the moment, my room is full to the bring with revision equipment, which includes folders, old books, pens, pencils, various coloured pens, highlighters, a revision timetable (colour coded) and an exam timetable I made with a whiteboard and pen.
I do admit I have been missing some revision sessions, but that is purely because I haven't got the revision equipment needed yet, also, I find it really hard to get motivated and the information I revise never seems to fully stay in my head, I hope this fixes itself before the exams, as I can say that I am starting to get stressed about it.
I am currently stressed about how well I am going to do on my exams, as I feel that I am not the best in Science and Maths, and am working towards a C in both subjects.
Anyway, on a different note, I have recently been playing alot on Sims 3 on the Xbox 360, and I also go on my favourite server on Minecraft alot, the name is Pixelcraft.
Thanks for reading!

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Back at School

Hey Guys,
So this week school started again after a week off for the holidays.
It has been okay so far, with pretty much the same classes. It's supposed to get harder though over the next couple of weeks, as I have an average of 8 weeks left of school before exams start, which is pretty worrying. Anyway, with school, comes revision, which I am starting to do every day except for when I have a free day, which in my case is Saturday.
Thanks for reading!

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Trying and Failing at Youtube

Hey Guys!
So I'm ill again (not very surprising), but I'm also on my week off from school which is the bright side :) In this week, I became sort of sentimental about when I used to have a YouTube channel, and decided that I wanted to make another one, so I did, I made a banner and spent countless hours watching youtube videos with tips on how to start a youtube channel, I even filmed the first video in which the camera looked fine. But, when I came to import the video onto my laptop, the video was horribly disfigured, as well as the other clips I had filmed, I tried countless times to fix it but nothing worked, so I ended up putting the camera and all its accessories at the back of my wardrobe and deleted the channel I had made. It was a sad time, but I do hope to buy a new camera around my birthday time, so I will most definitely be making a channel then, just have 3 more months to wait!
What are your favourite YouTube Channels?
Do you have a channel of your own?

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Revising, Revising, Revising!

Hey guys,
So the last week has been pretty ordinary for me. Had the dreaded School and drooled over the You-tubers which I watch. But I have also been focusing on revision this week, I have bought the number of folders to fit a wardrobe, and have made a revision timetable (which may or may not be changing soon). I found out that I am an auditory learner which means that I focus more when I am listening to things, so I might use those techniques soon, I also spent countless hours on YouTube and Google trying to find out 'how the revise'. One thing's for sure though, these next four months before my exams are going to be the hardest.
What exams (if any) are you studying for right now?
How do you revise?

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Parents Evening!! And Being Ill :(

Hey Guys!
So today was parents evening, which meant I had to stay at school till 6pm! :o
Anyway, today was both bad and good, the bad thing is that I have been sick for the past couple of days and threw up at least three times today, but the good thing is that I got all good comments from my teachers. I'm going to start revising for my GCSE's next week and I will be leaving for college in July so I only have around 12 weeks left at secondary school!
That's it for today :) I know this one was short but keep in mind that I am ill :P
What do you want to do as a job when you're older?
Are you hoping that you will get good grades?

Thanks for reading!!


Wednesday 28 January 2015

An Okay Weekend and a Great Week

Hey guys!
So the past week has been both up and down for me.
On the Saturday, I had to go in to school for the day for Graphic Products (which meant I had to get up early on a Saturday which was extremely hard to do). However, when the day finished I went bowling with my friends to celebrate me getting my anti-bullying campaign started, this was an amazing end to the day, even though I spend most of my money trying to get the toys out of those claw machines XD (and also I was awful at bowling but lets not talk about that)
On Sunday, I spend the day literally just relaxing, and did absolutely nothing at all except browse on the internet :P
On Monday, I got my story featured on the local newspaper's website, and had about 30 people on Facebook congratulating me for it which was great :)
The rest of the week so far has just been the same old school, and tomorrow is parents evening.
So that's pretty much it for this week :D
What have you done this week?

Thanks for reading <3